My artwork is... well, the last picture sums it up, really.
This post’s a little different as it’s not so much about a TV show (although there may be some references to certain series and I’ll definitely be back to writing about them after this). Instead, it’s more of a look at the idea of creative writing and stories, as that’s another love of mine. Since childhood, I’ve always had a deep fascination with stories and characters and my love for them has only grown as I’ve become an adult (well, adultish). It maybe stems from the early love of books that was encouraged by my Mum as we read (and sometimes created) numerous stories together when I was a kid. I’d always loved books but soon became completely captivated by films and television as well and found the idea of creating stories to be very appealing (although I can’t vouch for the quality of stories at that time, or more recently, tbh). I did take a creative writing module at uni and always adored English literature and creative writing style classes. However, I didn’t have much confi...