Self-worth and confidence in relation to sitcoms

 Something a little different for this blog post as, for 99 fans, it’s possibly quite an emotional time as it’s been a little over a year since the cast and crew finished shooting the final season and almost a year since it aired. Not to mention the impact of the ‘Goodbye Brooklyn 99’ programme that recently aired and for sitcom fans, there’s also the imminent release of the final season of ‘Ted Lasso’ and the first season of ‘Blockbuster’ (with the 99’s own Melissa Fumero).

It’s also been quite a strange time for me personally and probably for many others too, with graduating last week and the feelings and associations with beginnings, endings and new chapters that that brings up. While I am mostly quite relieved that I’ve completed my degree and feel ready to move onto other things, it’s still an odd time with sometimes endless possibilities and sometimes nothing but closed doors and disappointment. Therefore, I totally empathise if anyone else is feeling disheartened with job searches etc or feeling dissatisfied about certain aspects of life relating to a significant change. 

For instance, while I don’t necessarily miss everything about school and it all feels a long time ago now anyway, there are still certain aspects that I miss, as I got good grades and even won some academic prizes during my time there (this isn't to blow my own trumpet as it surprised nobody more than me.) Partly as a result of this and the massive blow to my self-esteem that my health diagnosis and lack of success socially (and in terms of looking for jobs) left me with, I did end up feeling more pressure than I really thought about at the time when I went to uni. As I struggled with not feeling worth very much, I (not so wisely perhaps) attached my self-worth to my As and prizes as I thought so little of myself and presumed that everyone else would too. I'm fortunate enough to have a lot of good memories from school and uni but my self-esteem (and sometimes mood) reached an all-time low several times. While I get along well with people, I’m not someone who's formed a lot of long-lasting super close friendships or friendship groups and I tend to take things personally and assume I’m in the wrong. In fact, even with really lovely people, there’s still often a bit of me that feels that all they see is weakness and that they’ll never really respect me or take me seriously or think I’m strong or capable of much. As a result, I can sometimes feel that I have to try and constantly impress people and prove myself and try and show that I know things and can do things otherwise they won’t ever expect me to be able to do anything and might see me as ‘silly’, ‘naïve’ or ‘helpless’. This means that I’m hard on myself and grow frustrated with myself even with the smallest things and have often felt that I have to do everything and am not in a position to ask for help as I’m already seen as vulnerable.

 Therefore, while Brooklyn 99 is totally my fave show and Amy Santiago is a great character who’s brought many people a lot of comfort, seeing her thrive and succeed SO much and be SO smart, capable and loved (while it's wonderful) can sometimes make me feel even more useless and worthless. The B99 characters are really well-written and developed though and it’s also why characters being relatable and/or having vulnerable moments and struggles/setbacks can be kinda important, I think, in terms of helping people feel less alone when things are tough. This was especially the case when I got uni results that were not exactly what I was hoping for*, as I’d felt some internal pressure and a lot of stress after school and wanted to prove something as I didn’t feel that I’d have success in any other area.

So this is really for anyone who’s struggling with their self-worth or confidence or who feels that they’re not good enough as I just want to say that you ARE enough. I know it’s not always easy to feel it, especially with constant comparisons to others but you are great and deserving of love and happiness for just being who you are. Also, there are loads of people who love you the way you are as you matter and have value just as you are so please remember to be kind and compassionate with others and with yourself, even if it’s hard.  <3 Much love to everyone having a hard time with their self-worth and confidence and/or struggling generally as even in the most difficult times, you’re never alone. <3 

* While I've always genuinely liked academic work/homework and studied a lot at school, I probably could have done more studying  at uni, tbh.


  1. A great post. All I see is strength xxx

    1. Absolutely agree, strong and refreshingly honest and compelling too x


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