Ames, we are a family - part 2 (post season seven fan fic)

  Amy couldn’t take her eyes off her perfect little baby as she held him closer to her when he’d finished feeding. She felt so much love for this little one and felt terrible about the daycare misunderstanding (she presumed Jake had gone to collect Mac and he thought she’d gone to get him) and wished she could rewind the whole day and do it over again. Although she started to feel a little better when she saw her very uxorious husband looking at her and their precious son with some of the most smitten heart eyes she’d ever seen (and he looked at them this way a lot, so much so that one day she’d tell Mac and Jake what uxorious meant).

He’d spent the afternoon reassuring Amy and telling her that it was ok, that all parents made mistakes as even Terry, a wonderful father, forgot Ava’s birthday once. He also reminded her that due to her incredible organisational skills and his concern for Mac and Dad instincts (bit like a groom gut), they would have actually been early to pick him up if they’d got there any earlier and they weren’t the last people to get to the daycare. Even though he’d said this and knew that they hadn’t forgotten about the little boy who was now their whole world as they thought the other one was with him,  because of her expert sleuthing skills, Amy could still tell that he felt as bad as she did, perhaps even worse because of the ‘bad Dad curse’ in his family. However, she’d always known what an amazing Dad he’d because of how attentive, caring and sweet he’d been throughout her whole pregnancy and she had been more sure of it every day since Mac's birth as he’d proved what a natural he was in countless little ways all the time. Amy still so felt so bad about everything as she held Mac that evening though as she told Jake that she felt sad that they’d tried so hard to have a kid for so long and now that she was a parent, she felt that she was doing a bad job. 

It wasn’t until Jake told her in such a kind, wholesome way that she hadn’t done anything wrong that she started to feel ever so slightly better. He gave her back a comforting rub like they always did to reassure and support each other (one of their many love languages) and held her hand as he gave her a sweet forehead kiss and adorably played with Mac’s little foot, like he'd been doing ever since he was born. He then reminded her of all the things that she did that proved how amazing she was as a sergeant, a parent and as a person generally and how she was so great with Mac and definitely the world’s greatest mama and that nothing was ever going to make him or Mac doubt that for even a second as long before Mac came along, she was already so caring and kind and was already an incredible mother,  as Mac was the one they’d been waiting and hoping for the whole time.

They then teased each other and laughed a bit, the first time Amy had laughed all day (even though Jake made her laugh every day.) She then reassured him that he was definitely the greatest husband and ‘dada’ ever and that there’s no one else she’d rather have as her soulmate and no one else she’d want to have kids with as she felt so lucky and happy to be with him. Jake had always been there for her and could always make her feel better about anything, but in this moment, as he was simultaneously being sweet with their baby and reassuring her that she was the best even when she didn’t feel like it, her heart almost burst with love for her favourite guys as she knew she and Jake would do anything for each other and for their little one. 


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