Bring me tears of laughter

With the festive season coming to an end, there’s been a lot of brilliant TV to discuss. This time then, I’m looking at some top tier TV as I’m going to focus on a pretty special episode of ‘Inside No.9’ called Bernie Clifton’s Dressing Room. I decided to talk about it now as the Morecambe and Wise references in it reminded me of Eric and Ernie, the film about Morecambe and Wise that came out during the 2010/2011 festive period. Although, for context, I feel I just need to say that Reece Shearsmith actually appears in Eric and Ernie. I hadn’t watched it all the way through until this year but after discovering that he was in it, I decided to do something about that ASAP and so we watched it the other day. I also saw someone post something recently about how it was surprising that nobody had ever really done a video essay/analysis of Bernie Clifton Dressing’s Room, despite it rightfully being considered not just one of the best ‘No.9’ episodes but arguably one of the best episo...